General Procedures

The center opens at 7am. Please do not drop -off your child prior to opening. Parents are expected to accompany their children into the center and sign them in and out daily. The center closes at 6pm. Please allow enough time to arrive, sign your child out and leave by closing time.

All parents are asked to wash their hands upon entry of the childcare center if time permits. Alternatively, hand sanitizer can be found throughout the building and while it does not replace hand washing it can be effective in eliminating some germs.

Authorized & Unauthorized Pick -up

Your child will only be released to you or those persons you have listed as Emergency Release Contacts. If you want a person who is not identified as an Emergency Release Contact to pick-up your child, you must notify us in advance, in writing. Your child will not be released to anyone without prior written authorization. The person picking up your child will be required to show a picture ID as verification. Please notify your pick-up person of our policy.

If a child has not been picked up after closing and we have not been able to contact you, attempts will be made to contact you and your emergency contacts you have so designated. We will stay with your child as long as possible, but if after 90 minutes and we have not been able to reach you or your designee, we will contact child protective services.

Refusal to Release

We may refuse to release a child if we suspect reasonable cause that the person picking up is physically or emotionally impaired in any way that may put your child’s safety at risk. We may seek out alternate designees or call the local police to prevent harm to your child. If such circumstances continue it will result in termination of your child from our center.